Basic API SetDomainSetup

public array SetDomainSetup( array $domainlistArray )

Used to set domain specific settings.

Tip: You can use one setting to apply to all domains in a query. If you want to do so, include one array with your settings and set domainName as [system:applyToAll].
Notice: The function will always return actual effective settings. If a null value comes back, it means it was never set and a fallback to a standard value is used.
This function can be called using SOAP.
Type Parameter Mandatory Description
integer $partnerid yes Partner ID.
string $signkey yes Sign key.
string $username yes User name. (max. 25 characters)
string $password yes Password. (max. 16 characters)
array $domainlistArray yes

Array of domains:

Type Parameter Mandatory Description
string $domainName yes Domain name in ACE format or [system:applyToAll].
string $nameLanguage no ISO-639 two-letter language codes. (i.e. de=German, en=English, …)
string $relatedLinks no deprecated Show related links. (Y or N)
string $searchBox no Show search box. (Y or N)
string $disclaimer no Show disclaimer. (Y or N)
string $systemLinks no deprecated Show system links. (Y or N)
string $buyBox no Show buy box. (Y or N)
string $popUnder no deprecated Enable pop-under ads. (Y or N)
string $twoclickPage no deprecated Enable two-click layout. (Y or N)
string $comment no deprecated Domain comment for further description (i.e.: a project to sell with the domain).
Type Description

The return value contains the following elements:

Type Key Description
string domainName Domain name in ACE format.
string nameLanguage ISO-639 two-letter language codes (i.e. de=German, en=English ...).
string relatedLinks deprecated Y or N
string searchBox Y or N
string disclaimer Y or N
string systemLinks deprecated Y or N
string buyBox Y or N
string popUnder deprecated Y or N
string twoclickPage deprecated Y or N
string comment deprecated Domain comment for further description (i.e.: a project to sell with domain).
string status ok if everything is in order. Otherwise a fault code.
string message Clear if everything is ok. Otherwise a fault string.

List of Domains

try {
    // Create a new client by providing the endpoint to the constructor.
    $client = new SoapClient(
            'location'     => '',
            'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
            'encoding'     => 'UTF-8',
            'uri'          => 'urn:SedoInterface',
            'style'        => SOAP_RPC,
            'use'          => SOAP_ENCODED,

    // Set the values for the array
    $params = [
        'partnerid'       => 1234,
        'signkey'         => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',
        'username'        => 'johndoe',
        'password'        => 'secret',
        'startfrom'       => 0,
        'results'         => 10,
        'domainlistArray' => [
                'domainName'   => '',
                'nameLanguage' => 'en',
                'searchBox'    => 'Y',
                'disclaimer'   => 'Y',
                'buyBox'       => 'Y'
                'domainName'   => '',
                'nameLanguage' => 'en',
                'searchBox'    => 'Y',
                'disclaimer'   => 'Y',
                'buyBox'       => 'N'

    // Call the SOAP method
    $result = $client->SetDomainSetup($params);

    // Display the result
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo 'Error: '.$e->getMessage();

Whole Account

try {
    // Create a new client by providing the endpoint to the constructor.
    $client = new SoapClient(
            'location'     => '',
            'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
            'encoding'     => 'UTF-8',
            'uri'          => 'urn:SedoInterface',
            'style'        => SOAP_RPC,
            'use'          => SOAP_ENCODED,

    // Set the values for the array
    $params = [
        'partnerid'       => 1234,
        'signkey'         => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',
        'username'        => 'johndoe',
        'password'        => 'secret',
        'startfrom'       => 0,
        'results'         => 10,
        'domainlistArray' => [
                'domainName'   => '[system:applyToAll]',
                'nameLanguage' => 'en',
                'searchBox'    => 'Y',
                'disclaimer'   => 'Y',
                'buyBox'       => 'Y'

    // Call the SOAP method
    $result = $client->SetDomainSetup($params);

    // Display the result
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo 'Error: '.$e->getMessage();