Basic API Faultcodes & Faultstrings

Faultcode Faultstring
E1 Username is empty
E2 Password is empty
E3 Partnerid is empty
E4 Signkey is empty
E5 Username doesn't exist
E6 Wrong password for this username
E7 Partnerid doesn't exist
E8 Signkey doesn't exist
E9 Signkey doesn't belong to the partnerid
E10 Please accept Sedo's User Agreement
E11 Service not available. Please try again in five minutes
E12 You are not authorized to use this function
E13 Please send all strings only in UTF-8 encoding
E14 Wrong method call. Please check the API documentation!
E15 There is no data for your request!
E16 Domain is temporarily locked in the Sedo system, no changes are allowed!
E17 We are busy... please try again later...
E1101 Domain list is empty
E1102 Please insert maximum 100 domain names at one time
E2000 Please note that the statistics are currently unavailable. This is a temporary delay and we ask for your patience
E2101 Invalid date format. The only valid date format is: YYYY-MM-DD
E2102 Statistics for this date do not exist in our database
E2103 You must enter a specified date for the periods 1 day and 1 month. Format YYYY-MM-DD
E2104 The domain name either does not belong to you, or is not in our parking system database
E3101 Please send the domain data in an array
E3102 You can enter a maximum of 50 domains at one time
E3103 Domain name is empty
E3104 Please see the API documentation for the correct categories
E3105 Please choose if the domain is for sale or not
E3106 Please set a price for the domain. If you do not want to set a price, please enter 0
E3107 Please set a minimum price for the domain. If you do not want to set a minimum price, please enter 0
E3108 Please specify if the domain has a fixed asking price or not
E3109 Please choose a currency (0=EUR, 1=USD, 2=GBP)
E3110 Please choose a language for the domain name in ISO code Form: (de=German, en=English)
E3111 The owner of this domain has been expressly forbidden to list this domain. This domain must not be inserted at as being for sale
E3112 The domain is not in ACE form
E3113 The domain could not be formatted correctly
E3114 Please send the categories in an array
E3115 You can enter a maximum of 3 categories for one domain
E3116 The format of the price is not correct. Please use the following price format: Example 500.00
E3118 The format of the minimum price is not correct. Please use the following minimum price format: Example 200.00
E3120 The minimum price may not exceed the normal price
E3121 This domain name is already listed in your account
E3122 Inserting this domain violates German trademark law. As a result, we cannot accept this domain name at present
E3123 Please note that you cannot set a Fixed Price for an amount under USD/EUR 199
E3124 Sorry, you cannot change your domain's status from Not for Sale to For Sale, because there are either open bids on your domain or your domain is currently in transfer
E3125 We are currently verifying this domain
E3130 The price for this domain/TLD is too low
E3131 The domain has already been found in another account
E4101 The domain is not yet in our database or has possibly been deleted.
E5101 This domain is currently being transferred
E5102 There is an active bid thread open on this domain
E6100 Keyword is empty
E6101 Market is not defined
E7100 Template is empty
E7101 Template is not allowed
E8100 There are no top markets available
E8101 Keyword could't be set for this market
E10100 Not allowed action! Allowed actions are only (enable or disable)
E10101 Not allowed element! Please check the API documentation for DomainElements!
E11100 Portfolio could not be created or it already exists under a different name!
E11101 Please transfer at least one domain in order to create a portfolio!
E11102 You do not have a portfolio under this name!
E11103 Portfolio could not be deleted! Please try again in 5 minutes
E11104 Please enter the portfolio name!
E11105 Domain(s) could not be deleted from the portfolio!
E11106 Domain(s) could not be entered into the portfolio!
E11107 You do not have any portfolios!
E11108 This query does not return any domains!
E11109 Please choose a time period for the statistics!
E11110 Please choose a type of statistic - 0 or 1!
E11111 You must enter a specified date for the periods 0 and 2 . Format YYYY-MM-DD
E12100 Please send the related links data in an array
E12101 You can enter a maximum of 20 related links at one time for one domain!
E12102 Please set market for the related links!
E16101 Domain has a open Bidtread
E16102 Domain has a open Transfer